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1 41.00° 12-36-60-84 cut to center point
2 90.00° 96-48 establish width
3 40.50° 09-39-57-87 cut to center point
4 41.00° 15-33-63-81 cut to center point
5 90.00° 12-36-60-84 meet @ 1 & 3
6 90.00° 24-72 meet @ 1 & 4
7 60.00° 96-48 meet @ 1 & 3 to level girdle
8 39.00° 96-48 cut to center point
9 40.00° 24-72 cut to center point
10 65.00° 24-72 Meet at 1 & 4 and level girdle
11 60.00° 24-72 estimate width you want
12 41.50° 24-72 make width equal to 9


1 35.00° 96-48 establish girdle widty
2 35.00° 12-36-60-84 level girdle
3 65.00° 24-72 level girdle
4 25.00° 96-48 estimate widty you want
5 35.00° 24-72 estimate width you want
6 20.00° 96-48 estimate widty you want
7 0.00° Table meet @ 2, 5, & 6